The 4 pillars of inbound marketing

I haven’t done any live blogging for a while, but have a chance before my talk at #DMXDublin from the Marketing Institute of Ireland and  interesting to hear Mike Volpe CMO of Hubspot share their mindset – so I thought I’d share the  4 pillars that Hubspot’s marketing is based on.
So here are the four pillars:

ONE. Free Tools

An example of a tool created by Hubspot is Marketing Grader which although developed for  just $5,000, originally has now been used more than 5 million times.
These should be:

  • Fast (short time to value),
  • Simple,
  • Shareable (Virality)

HubSpot also have a new tool for Inbound Marketing ranking which we featured on the Smart Insights blog recently.
Solar winds – IT is an equivalent

TWO. Freemium model

Well-known examples or SurveyMonkey, Dropbox or publishers, e.g. Smart Insights.
Hubspot example – Sidekick – profiles in Email and Hubspot CRM

  • Usage – get adoption before usage
  • Tripwire – what is the perfect line between free and paid?
  • Viraliity – product usage drives growth

THREE. Content

Tips for Content Marketing

  • Persona – focus on what your buyers want to consumer
  • Media – not your direct competitors your competing with other media for attention
  • Quality – highest quality wins the audience

FOUR. Context

This is ‘basically personalisation’ based on the stage in the buying process and their profile and how they interact with you. It also depend on device – mobile growing at 100% on site. Important for C-level for mobile.
Customers provide personalisation through browsing sites, clicking on emails. Mike gave the example of Acura a car brand where
The other aim is to make it human through social media too through real-time marketing.
Another insight was the ongoing impact of these activities – for Hubspot, 56% of leads  are from more content assets or marketing campaigns created than than 1 month ago.


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I also write about assistive technology to help others teaching the visually impaired as part of my volunteering work for charity AbilityNet.

My latest books

Full details on Amazon:

Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice
8th edition

Digital Marketing Excellence
6th edition

About Smart Insights

Dr Dave Chaffey is co-founder and Content Director of digital marketing advice site Smart Insights. We’re a publisher and learning platform that helps our 150,000 active members in over 100 countries plan, manage and optimize their digital marketing activities by applying the actionable advice in our planning templates, guides and interactive e-learning tools.

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