Campaigning for charities

What is campaigning?

According to the National Council for Voluntary Organisations, NCVO, other terms include influencing, voice, advocacy or social change. All of these are about creating change. NCVO define campaigning as:

Mobilising of forces by organisations or individuals to influence others in order to effect an identified and desired social, economic, environmental or political change“.

Charity campaigning involves two main aspects:

1. Public or awareness campaigning which is focused on public attitudes and behaviour and aimed at mobilising public support for or against an issue or to get them to take action.

2. Political campaigning which is focused on trying to bring about a change in the policy of Government or public bodies with a view to either preserve or change the law in this country or abroad”.

Awareness campaigning isn’t necessarily fundraising, rather it’s gaining support and advocacy. Political campaign aims typically include changes to legislation, policy or practice, commitment of additional resources to an issue or area, change in planning permissions or ways of doing things, ending of practices or introduction of new ones such as safety measures.

The National Council for Voluntary Organisations, NCVO, has useful free articles in its Know How section and on its blog as well as more detailed guides for members including:

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